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Bline taxis barnstaple

blinetaxis beeYou can pre-book a cab using the form above or by calling our office in Boutport St, Barnstaple on 01271 322 117  Or You can also download our App on your Android phone or iPhone - Simples!

blinetaxis beeOrdering a  B-Line Taxi for now is also easy! The best way is to call on 01271 322 117. You can also call a B-Line taxi on your smartphone, using our booking app.

blinetaxis beeWe accept cash and major credit cards - Visa, MasterCard, you can also use "contactless" on your phone in any of our cars.

All our taxis have the B-Line logo on them and our drivers are always in B-Line Taxi logoed clothing.
blinetaxis logo1